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Source is a config class, which configures the source of the server.

It contains two types: proxy and static. Use source_type to specify the type.

It is importable.

Config Items(proxy)

  • source_type: Optional, if set must be proxy.
  • ip: Ip of upstream service, instead of domain.
  • port: Port of upstream service.
  • ssl: Whether upstream service is on ssl.
  • sni: Sni for this service. Only request with corresponding sni will be route to this service. It's optional, as the unset one in one server will be the default.
  • host: Optional, rewrite Host in request headers. Fill if upstream service also use sni to recognize route.
  • headers_request: Map<String, String>. Optional and importable, add or replace the header in request.
  • headers_response: Map<String, String>. Optional and importable, add or replace the header in response.
  • location: Optional, default to match all the requests, see Location.
  • rewrite: Optional, see Rewrite.
  • fallback: Optional, fallback to other sources when available, only works when check_status is enabled. Fallback up to 10 times.

Config Items(static)

  • source_type: Optional, if set must be static.
  • root: Root directory of static files. Relative path will be based on this file.

Following items are same as proxy:

  • host
  • headers_request
  • headers_response
  • location
  • rewrite
  • fallback

Released under the GPL-3.0 License.